It’s Thankful Thursday!


I really like this heart that I drew with eyelashes. It’s so cute to me. Several years ago, I was in Barnes and Noble checking out a magazine. For some God ordained reason, I looked up then saw a gratitude book. It was orange. I opened it then saw quotes and spaces for me to put at least three things that I am grateful for everyday. I felt a strong urge to purchase it. After purchasing it, I was consistent and eager to share my thankfulness with others. I have alot to be thankful for and I can’t wait to share them with you today.

I’m so extremely thankful that I gave a positive reaction after I heard Jeremy make a bold statement with so much expression at Walmart on Howell Mill Rd. I was leaving out of the baby section aisle. He said, “I don’t know why people have babies because they are so expensive.” His male friend just smiled as he held some baby bibs and a diaper bag. Once Jeremy noticed me with my son in the shopping cart, he said, “Oh my bad.” He continued to talk while laughing. I let him vent. I responded by saying, yes they are expensive, we all laughed. He told me that he has a twin sister who is having a baby and that he must go all out for his niece even though they are expensive. He asked me if the white bassinet look cheap. I said, “No.” I’m not sure if he purchased it but this encounter was hilarious.

I’m so very thankful that my friend gave me free tickets to visit the Children’s museum with my son Starson since she has season passes .

I’m very thankful that I did not get all bent out of shape when the system timed out, one section of my notes had duplicates. In addition, I plan to keep love, peace and joy in my life.

I hope that you can find it in your heart to be thankful about something today. Big or small, they matter. Once you become thankful, you position yourself to receive more of it. At least that’s what I believe.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!