It’s Face the Facts Friday!

After moving to Virginia in 2004, I lost my job after the first week. The hiring manager told me that they could hire two people on my salary then let me go. Shortly afterwards, I went to a staffing agency and was hired. 

My first assignment was the Behavioral Health Department of a healthcare company. The first day, I was trained. Soon after, I was alone accepting calls from covered individuals. I received a lot of calls throughout the assignment. There is one call that I received that stood out to me. I realized that I  was on a divine assignment. There was a black woman who had called in who was extremely frantic trying to figure out where she went wrong.

After following the script and verifying her information. She stated that she walked into her daughter’s bedroom and was traumatized. One teenager was her daughter, the other was her daughter’s best-friend. They were doing extreme sex acts on each other while the door was closed. While in a lot of hurt, pain and frustration she stopped them. She was so extremely upset stating that they had been best-friends for a long time. Through her expressions, I could feel her pain. She never thought that they would be doing things like that in her home. I know that the two teenagers experienced a lot of guilt and shame along with others feelings of despair. Everyone needed help to calm the situation down.

I know God intervened somehow, I just don’t know the outcome. The mother stated that she needed help quickly because she wanted to lay serious hands on the both of them. While listening, I began to pray for her and the two teenage girls without her knowledge. She was about to cry and I could tell that her pain was extremely severe. I transferred the call to a highly skilled nurse who further assisted her.

This encounter gave me knowledge of how to handle calls with sincere compassion while not adding my two cents in it. My mother always told me that a lot of people don’t want advice or feedback. They just want you to listen, so listen. Whenever I think about this situation, it reminds me to continue to pray for this family and this situation. So many people have encountered this same situation and need guidance. Everyone wants someone who is sympathetic. Time past and the assignment ended. 

Nearly three years past before I needed to call the crisis hotline for myself. Unfortunately, it was for domestic violence. It’s like God already knew what I would go through, prepared me in advance of the process, where to go and I succeeded. It was not a good feeling. I was hoping and praying that the person on the end of the call was praying for me too. I know that this is a sensitive subject, please know that you are not alone. 

The Behavioral Health Department, helps individuals to find doctors within the network for any form of mental illness including substance abuse. If anyone dealing with mental illness ever needs help. Please seek help immediately from a professionals on your insurance card. If you don’t have insurance, there are a lot of agencies that provide a sliding scale that’s very reasonable in your state. If you still need help, feel free send me a message.  Also, get connected to a church or community organization. Many offers useful groups at little to no cost at all. Once I find more resources. I will update this blog post.


Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!