I Want To Give A Super Shout-Out to Jesus

August 10, 2019

It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday!

I want to give a Super Shout-Out to Jesus. Jesus deserves all of my praise. One of my goals is that people on the inside and outside will see the Jesus in me. When you get time, read your Bible. It will reveal all of the wonderful things that Jesus did, including his character, compassion, him weeping and turning over tables.

I enjoy giving credit where credit is due. Jesus means so much to me. Everyday, people call on the name of Jesus. It can be in a song or mentioned in a conversation. I have so many other scenarios of how people benefit from knowing Jesus.

I encourage you to first find a church home. This opens the door for you to learn more about Jesus and your walk with the Lord with fellowship with others. What does Jesus means to you?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!