Yesterday, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning praying. Suddenly, I was reminded of a song, “The Presence of the Lord is Here. I listened while shaking my head to it. I even blogged about it. Of course, I was happy. I even recorded me saying a prayer that I created and shared it with others.
Immediately afterwards, around 9am or so, I received devastating news that my only sister April that I shared my mother and father with was in a coma. This was not Covid related. At that moment, I did not know what to do besides pray with one of my family members. I honestly prayed for God’s will over April’s life. I was asking that she recover and heal. It’s like everything happened so fast. I was left grief stricken. Unfortunately, God did not answer my prayer the way I intended.
Northside Gwinnett Hospital pronounced my sister dead less than two hours later. Several family members went to the room to see April. My brother even took pictures then showed them to me. I heard my other brother just broke down crying then left the hospital. It’s an awful feeling for doctors to pull the plug on the ventilator before family could see her one last time breathing.
Even when the answer to my prayer is NO! I still need to trust and believe that God knows what’s best. Even when God is the author and finisher of my faith I wish things could have turned out differently. I wanted to know for sure without a doubt that April’s soul would be saved but she never came out of a coma.
I have so many great memories of my sister. For example, the last time we had fun. I took her to Six Flags Over Georgia with her two boys and my little one.
Not to mention some not so pleasant times. For example, before April passed, I had not spoken to her since 2019. At that time, I made up in my mind to love her at a distance because of our lifestyles were different.
I want to say so much more but I can’t right now.
In the end, yesterday was extremely challenging for me. I started off in prayer. I was so excited and happy then suddenly a chain of events left me sad.
April was my only sister.
All will be well in my life and I am going to continue to believe. One of my BFF, sent me Isaac Caree’s song, “In The Middle Of It.” Right along with “ALL GLORY TO JESUS!” That’s one of her favorite things to say.
If anyone is dealing with loss or grief contact OLGEMINISTRY.ORG
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!