I Met This Centenarian At Women’s Daily Walk

August 2, 2019

It’s Face the Facts Friday!
(Berean Study Bible)
Wisdom is found with the elderly, and understanding comes with long life. I met a Seasoned Saint named Mother Rowland’s at Women’s Daily Walk.

One day, after class, she gave me her card and we became friends. After getting to know her, I let her know what I had to offer. Soon after she accepted my kindness.

Every Wednesday, I was her personal mobile hairstylist and gave her head massages. I gave her manicures/pedicures. She enjoyed me massaging her hands and feet. I purchased her a big ticket item that she really liked

We would do so many great things while spending time together. When I broke up with my ex-boyfriend she cried with me. There’s so many more stories that I have about her giving me godly counsel.

Stay tuned for more as I update this.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!