I Met A Guy In The Lobby At Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral That Asked Me To Pray For Him

We had a wonderful conversation, he even told me about how his girlfriend was a positive influence on his life. Yes, he is a very handsome black man. He even told me about one of his friends in prison and the situation around his arrest and sentence. This information is too much to digest.

After listening, I attempted to leave the seated area of the lobby when he got up then asked me to pray for him. I did not hesitate.

With the Love of God, I gently grabbed both of his hands then we both bowed our heads to put on the full armor of God. After a few more loving words in prayer, the power of God knocked me to my knees then I begged God not to take his life. Then I began to speak in tongues uncontrollably until the power of God allowed me to stop. The prayer was short and sweet and he felt loved.

I thank God for using me in this manner and give a testimony of my experience with the Power of God and his authority.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!