I Meet A Woman With A Shofar

It’s Tell the Truth Tuesday!

July 9, 2019

Last year, I learned what a shofar is after meeting this woman after church. I interviewed her recently about the reason why she bought this shofar and it’s significance.

This woman is named Natalie. In 2009, she ran long enough. Then God made a clear call to her for obedience. Natalie said God exact words to her were, to sound the shofar unto God for the nations. She talked to God just like talking to a friend. She said, God now you want me, this black Christian woman to blow this animals horn and she was obedient and did just that.

Shortly afterwards she did research only to find out that a man is supposed to sound the shofar and she did not want to offend anyone. That statement from her allowed me to see her true character and her obedience to the Holy Spirit and not for any selfish gain.

After her husband agreed they both purchased tickets then flew to Israel. She told me an amazing story of the people that were on the trip with her. There was this one man from Brooklyn who had been receiving revelations for Jews and Gentiles.

One stood out to her and she heard said yes. At the time, she did not have enough money to get that the shofar then had to go back.

After returning, They went towards Jericho while seeing camels run around. It was a Hebrew Rabbi named Dr. Nutermon who gave her instructions on how to blow it.

The first time that she blew the shofar was in the store. Everyone in the shop stopped what they were doing like oh wow the sound. The owner came out saying the sound the sound, the sound. The Rabbi looked at her then locked eyes. Natalie said that God will show who God is. She named ther shofar Zion.

It was so much going on in her life that she stepped away from the shofar. There so many challenges going on with her, her marriage and her job as a nurse. Natalie was aware of the trials and tribulations that engulfed that point in her life.

There is alot of information about the shofar on the internet. A shofar have so many meaning. I would suggest that you read to understand the meanings and the significance of a shofar.

Do you have a shofar, I would love to hear your story.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!