I Love and Appreciate All the Things My Parents Taught Me At Home

It’s Thankful Thursday! June 13, 2019

My parents were very loving but strict. My father did not allow me to spend the night at anyone’s house. Extremely rare even with family. I thought that he was over the top but he knew pedophiles were out there. My mother was a stay at home mom. All she had to do is look at me and I would get in line.

The worst part is that my parent believed in spanking my butt. One day I went over to Keisha Browning house around the corner without telling my mother. When I returned my mother asked me how many steps did it take to get to Keisha’s house.

I said, “I took a bunch of steps.” My mother told me that would be how many poppings I would receive, a bunch of them. I was not happy about that and I never did that again.

My parents would tell me to go pick out a switch in the yard then return with it for them to spank me. That was torture to me. Somehow at the end of the spanking. There would be this one little leaf at the end of the switch just dangling. Of course, I was in the wrong and I learned a lesson. Anything could have happened to me I understand now.

My mother would never just leave us anywhere. I don’t think that my father would have it any other way. I received my allowance for working for my father every two weeks.

On the weekends, my mother would take me to Screaming Wheels on Stuart Ave. Club Nikki’s was a strip club right across the street. My mother would stay in her car for hours waiting on me. Nothing ever popped off and we always came home safe.

My father was an extremely great provider and we never lacked nothing. I stayed in the same house until I left home for marriage. We were always stable. I thought that we were rich until I got older and reality set in. We always had what we needed.

My mother was a master cosmetologist and kept my hair looking nice. She worked in a shop on Simpson Rd. I was tired of sitting at the salon all day. Not to long after, my father bought my mother a prefab home for her salon in our back yard. It was cool. My mom was always close by and I loved it.

All throughout my life at home, my dad taught all of us to create a budget. Somehow it worked. Once the money was gone, he stated that it would teach me not to spend it all or come back to him for more. No matter how much you receive, you must stretch it out until the next pay period. Most of the time, I would save mine.

My dad drove in luxury when he was not working. He had a very nice Cadillac with smooth leather seats and electric windows. He had more than one and build sheds for them.

I enjoyed when we went out as a family to Red Lobster on Campbellton Rd in Atlanta. He allowed us to pick out whatever we wanted. Fortunately, most of the things that I received from him, I worked for it at his company.

On their anniversaries, we stayed at home alone. My grandmother lived right across the street from us. My oldest sister lived next door with her husband and kids. We knew our neighbors and that was great.

My father was a no-nonsense type of guy and would not tolerate lies or anyone running game. He taught me how to make an honest living and to follow the law so that I would not go to the chain gain (jail).

Our utilities were never shut off, not one single time. We were never on welfare. My father was a work-a-holic with more than one business and could work on cars. He owned several houses. He could fix anything around the house and knew how to save.

My mother cooked during the week and on Sunday’s. We always sat down as a family to eat together. My mother praised God all the time and consistently prayed and taught me about the bible.

My father swept my mother off of her feet and upgraded her to extremely nice things. Our home had quality furniture. I did my chores and respected my parents.

My mother made sure that my hygiene was kept up and would go behind me to make sure that I was clean. We always used the good stuff

My mother would take me shopping at Treasury Drugs to purchase my nail polish. We would shop and had very nice things. She took me to the movies. Also, we would rent movies too. One of my favorite movies as a child was the Garbage Pail Kids. That movie was hilarious to me.

My mother had excellent credit and made sure all of the bills were paid on time. She documented everything in her check book. She always paid her tithes.

They laid down the foundation of everything that I needed to survive. I have so much more to say but I’ll save it for my book.

My parents taught me about morals, values, how to budget money and so much more. I hope that you’ll find somethings that I’ve said helpful.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day