I Gained a Skill of a Lifetime After Volunteering at Chesapeake General Hospital

Settling into a new place can be strange and extremely uncomfortable. Especially, if you don’t have any relatives or friends and family that lives in the same state.

After moving to Virginia, I was eager to get involved and do some things that made me happy. I chose to volunteer at Chesapeake General Hospital.

My first day and the days after was a total success. I loved to greet customers and help them with their selection of a gift to purchase. There was a wide range of choices that would help their loved ones smile or bring a sense of love and brightness to a room.

One of my trainers was the little elderly woman. I forgot her name. She had a very unique appearance. A few years earlier, she had cancer then had surgery the cut out a portion of her jaw or something near her mouth.

Fortunately, that did not stop her from talking and expressing herself. Although she was sweet, she did not take any crap from anyone.

On our down time, she would crochet baby blankets in a unique pattern. After she made them she would give them away.

Soon after, she taught me how to crochet the pattern and refreshed my memory of how to crochet. I told her that my grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl. I caught on quickly.

Unfortunately, she had gotten really sick and was admitted into the hospital. I prayed that she would get well and visited her a too.

When I was pregnant with my son, I bought some white yarn. I crocheted my baby boy a baby blanket with the pattern that she taught me.

Before meeting her, I gave up the art of crocheting. She ecouraged me to pick the needle back up. It’s soothing and a big stress reliever. God already knew that I would encounter rough times.

I believe this is God’s way of reminding me of the scripture that says, “Be still and know that I am God.” In addition, I learned a unique pattern (skill) that will last a lifetime. I just have to keep making them for a worthy cause.

When you volunteer with the love of God and a willingness to learn, you will gain wonderful relationships, new skills and so much more. At this point in my life, all I have to give is my experiences. In all you do, make sure that GOD WILL GET THE GLORY.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!