I Am A Bodacious Galaxy’s Defender For Air, Land and Water Who Respects Authority, Works Well With Others, NO DRAMA, NO CROSSING ANYONE, AND ABSOLUTELY NO BURNT BRIDGES

As a child, I learnt early not to litter from my parents. In college, my professor asked me to turn in a business plan for something I’m passionate about. I wrote about the importance of having clean air here on earth and how to maintain it by carpooling.

One of the main ways to keep clean air is to get cars off the road that uses fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the main causes of our air quality being low because of smog. I have allergies and it’s hard for me to breathe with so many things that contaminates our air like cigarettes. Yes, cigarettes cause cancer and breaks down air quality.

When people maintain clean air by carpooling. That is one less car on the road. When people don’t cut down trees and plant more trees it helps keep the oxygen that we breathe in pure and fresh. If you carpool, you’ll have great conversations and can even discover if a person needs help in any area of their life.

I was so extremely excited to research and learn about how other states and cities have a carpooling system. Most talked about how it keeps down traffic and the cost to run them is low.

I’m so super happy to tell you that my professor in college gave me an excellent grade and I passed the course.

I have not worked on land yet. The voice of God led me to a lumber yard and I just sat outside the gates then cried for a long time with uncontrollable tears. I plan to partner with a group or just myself then pick up trash from problem areas and fairly clean ones too.

Recently while I was out praying over our water hydrants here on earth. A South Fulton police officer named Mitchell was called then had me removed just for praying over a water hydrant that the words Voovn on it. I politely moved without hesitation.

While I sat there praying with my journal notes on the ground, I saw an ant read my notes. Soon after, another ant carrying and adult size ant crawled on my notes. This ant allowed me to see that someone had died in their colony. Of course, I cried like a baby because an ant was dead. Not too long after, I saw a baby ant inside my steel container ready to go. I put some food in there for it then began to laugh. A ant said, ” They were fine until one race came on their land then made them extremely sick. I don’t want to start any wars with races but it’s evident that the race that made them sick should be removed or tested with a turn key solution in place.

I found out that Pure Water Technology is great for clean water and even waste cleanup. For more information check their website at purewater-int.com

I’m now 44 years young and I have never burnt any bridges, caused any drama and never cross any boundaries. Every job that I have ever had, I gave excellent customer service and over exceeded expectations.

Now that I’m not in the workforce anymore. I still try my best to maintain and be pleasing to the Lord with my testimonies and investigations.

As a Galaxy’s Defender, meaning more than one galaxy is defended for being E.P.A CPG compliant with a Bodacious individual who works well with authority. I come into play by allowing others to see first hand what is working or not working. If it’s not working, their is a solution but the cost may be too high.

Galaxy defenders comes in all sizes, shapes and forms. The level of respect across the board is unprecedented. When Galaxy Defenders comes together with Galaxy’s Infinity that are far advanced than others. Major deals and quality relationships are built on the truths that surpasses anyone’s deceptive deceit. Guess what? There is no furious five, meaning lying, cheating, stealing, framing and shaming. Yes, it will make you sing, what a wonderful world.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!