It’s Tell the Truth Tuesday!
For some God ordained reason, I received this scripture to study this morning. I can’t wait to share with you what I learned. Nothing that God does is by accident. Continue to trust Him and you will win.

On Sunday, my pastor’s sermon was Gather the Jars. I learned so much. I pondered the question that He asked everyone. What’s in your house? The real ear is your heart. God is our source.

I had a challenging morning on Sunday. I could not find certain things. Also, I could not iron any clothes because the iron would not get hot. I started to give up but I pressed my way to church in jeans and a t-shirt.
Before the service ended, my pastor called people who where addicted to drugs, pornography etc. to the alter. I began to pray as they were walking down the aisle. The the Holy Spirit led me to the middle of the aisle to kneel down to pray.
Suddenly, I begin to feel the power of God flow through me and I could not control it or pray silently. Then all of a sudden my body was thrown prostrate on the floor in prayer. I was in tears while praying.
I have never prayed in this manner but the power of God was present. Somehow, God used me as demonstration of his power which took me out of my comfort zone in spiritual warfare during Sunday service.
Since God was moving like that, it was like fire under my butt the rest of the day. I had to move and I want God to receive the glory in all that I do.
For the first time ever, I did something that I’d never done. I posted me singing Praises unto the Lord on social media. I love to praise and it’s one that I’ll never forget.
I’m new to vlogging, I don’t know alot about it. I plan to get better at it. By posting that clip on Sunday of me singing was totally out of my comfort zone. I felt so much relief and I was proud of me and scared at the same time. Overtime, I’ll get better and God will get the glory.

Yesterday, a woman who attends the same church called and ask me to pray for someone she knows. As I began to pray, the Holy Spirit revealed a certain part of this person’s body for me to focus on. I began to pray as God led me.
Shortly afterwards, my friend stated that God allowed me to touch on points that needed to be addressed. I was so excited that God allowed me to know that God’s training is working. I past the test of hearing what He wants me to focus on while praying.
It’s true God will fulfill all of His promises to us. This scripture tells me that no matter if I’m in the valley, God can still reach me and use me. Guess what? God gets the glory every time. I’m just a living vessel that God used and I’m so very humbled by it. Thanks to the Holy Spirit! God is our source. Be blessed y’all.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!