God Blessed My Friend with a Beautiful Wife and a Baby Girl After Many Struggles

As of today, my friend has been married for thirteen years. During his marriage to his beautiful wife, they have had three miscarriages and one son who lived for 45 minutes after birth, which is heartbreaking. This means they now have four heavenly angel babies in their small family of three.

One night Lorenzo had a dream that he was somehow swimming in his wife’s womb then saw a baby girl on a pink cloud who said, “Be patient, I’ll be here soon. To his surprise, this was just an amazing sign from God to let him know to try again. Guess what? Six months later, God blessed Ingrid and Lorenzo with a new pregnancy.

Indigo is about to be 2yr old. She’s perfectly healthy and above all has two parents that loves her. She loves to play and have fun. The only problem is her father wishes that all of her clothing would be one piece because he has a hard time fastening all of her little buttons and other gadgets that takes up so much time. All I could do is laugh and say welcome to the club of fatherhood. Indigo is absolutely an adorable baby girl with a unique eye color.

First they were green, grey, now they are just beautiful.

I so understand how heartbreaking it can be hoping and praying for a beautiful soul to enter the earth, to create a wonderful life worthy of their calling. I do believe this causes happiness in a family who honestly work hard for their good. Motherhood is not easy but with two loving parents makes things so much easier.

Fatherhood is not easy either, especially being a black man in America. I’m just extremely grateful that my friend of over 30 years found his soulmate and they are doing well.

For anyone who has had a miscarriage, stillbirth or baby that dies shortly after birth. DON’T GIVE UP! DON’T EVER STOP PRAYING! I do believe that their will be an amazing testimony in the end. Great things are still happening in the earth today despite this pandemic. Great day people.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!