Several years ago, I had the pleasure of serving in excellence, while giving glory to God at Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral where Bishop Dale C. Bronner is my pastor and the founder.

On one occasion, the officiant was the bishop. The person who died was a black man who was in the Alpha Kappa Fraternity. So many great things was said about the man who died. After the funeral, I saw the bishop and another pastor walk out in sync. I just watched as they walked by me when the funeral ended.

After the service, I met a woman name Gloria, she was nice and we held a wonderful conversation. I found out that she’s a faithful member of Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. When she looked at me, she smiled while saying how nice the funeral session was. Gloria went on to say that she knows how she wants to be buried. I was amazed because we were at a funeral and others were around listening to her talk.

Gloria is so at peace with how she has lived her life here on earth. Of course, noone knows the day or the hour. Guess what? Gloria has written out every single detail of how she wants her funeral and to be buried. This says alot to me about women who has faith in God. She gave me so much confidence as a Christian woman on a journey with faith In God.

It is a smiling moment when I see Gloria and Joyce. I saw Gloria and Joyce last week and again today. I noticed that Gloria has a very stylish looking low haircut with natural grey hair. I told her she looks grown now while giggling.

Today when I saw them walking out, I stopped to say “Hello!” I reminded her of where we first met. She said, “Oh I remember you, yes I have it all written out.” I asked were they sisters. Joyce responded by saying, “We are sisters in Christ. They are so close that Joyce finds out of her kindness of to pick Gloria up and take her to church and other places when needed.

That’s why I say sisters in Christ are sisters for life. You may have biological family but sisters in Christ are still near to help when needed or to overcome life’s difficulties. I believe it is important to fellowship with like-minded people of faith in God.

Who can find a virtuous woman?
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers.~Psalm 1:1

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!