Game Night & Movie Night

As a mother of two, one of which I adopted. Every single Friday, we would have GAME NIGHT or MOVIE NIGHT in Marietta. I love to cook and would make their favorites.

One day, Porsche said, ” Mommy please let’s invite boys and girls to MOVIE NIGHT & GAME NIGHT, you don’t want me only liking girls right!

Well, the following week, she invited boys and girls. Oh my goodness, everything turned out well. Of course, I kept my eyes on them.

Not too long ago, I spoke to my neighbor whose son she adopted became addicted to pain pill and other drugs. Guess what? My neighbor asked Porsche to be a friend to uplift him out of that lifestyle. Porsche called him then reminded him of old times in order to salvage their relationship.

The moral of this story is listen to your kids sometimes because the outcome can be great in the long run.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!