For The LGBTQ: While On My Prayer Walk The Holy Spirit Asked Me To Pray & Meditate Over A Luxury Vehicle. Not To Long After, I Met A Person Who Looked Like They Were Apart Of The LGBTQ. I Spoke Then Introduced Myself. If Not The Same Day Or Same Week. This Person’s Grandmother Came To Me In Total Sincerity By The Holy Spirit & Not My Spirit Then Handle Her Own Family Situation. One Night, I Received An Irritation In My Spirit To Pray Then Saw An Extra Vehicle In The Drive Way. SOLVED THAT PROBLEM. I Received Another Irritation So I Sat On The Hood Again Of That Luxury Vehicle Then Someone Ran Out Of Their House Then Looked At Me. Both Times I Felt Nothing Sexual, Harmful Or Any Aggitation. Just Total Respect. After That I Kept My Distance And Continued To Pray In The Neighborhood. Yes, I AM OPTIMUS WIFE. Seven Letters Are In His Name Just Like Mine. Report To Authorities. I Don’t Place Car Lives In Jeopardy For Foolishness Or Anything Else. Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!