
It’s Tell the Truth Tuesday!

July 2, 2019

We want God to move on our behalf but are we willing to fast when the Lord tells us to? It’s time to get it right. Many people want the blessing but don’t want to do the work. When God speaks to YOU, move immediately and TAKE ACTION!!! Anything that is good for us takes time and work. There is a blessing attached to your obedience.

There was this time that I had been fasting and praying. While in the presence of other intercessors and people who came for prayer, the Holy Spirit prompted me to place my hand on this woman’s head. I thought that I was going over to soothe her since she was crying a little. To my surprise, when I touched her head, she fell on the floor and I barely even touched her head. Suddenly the power of God took over and I begin to speak with power and the anointing flowed without me stumbling over words or my own train of thought.

That was the first time that I had experienced the power of God working through me in that manner. To be honest, the normal part of me was saying Oh, Lord have mercy. I need to help this women get up off the floor.

God, look what you’ve done. Wait a minute, what just happen God. Oh snap, I need help and complete direction God. You moved real fast this time. Wow, what the heck. I ain’t qualified for this. Okay, this is a miraculous miracle out in the open presence of others.

Afterwards, my conversation with God continued like this. Hello God, I’m not an ordained pastor you know I don’t want to be out of order or overstep boundaries. I thought that I was in training for the small stuff. You already know that I’m only an intercessor right.

Lord have mercy on my soul, you know that I have never had a desire to be a pastor of a church. I like doing the fun stuff like smiling, greeting people and making them feel welcomed.

I’ve only had a desire to read the bible and seek understanding and confirmation in certain areas of my life. I’m only a behind the scenes helper to give you the glory remember. I’m just a servant Okay. God look, I have not read the whole bible and can barely speak words in the Bible correctly.

All I’ve done in my job description as an employee is give great customer service and don’t have a degree in nothing. I’m not perfect and have never been popular.

The only thing that I’ve ever done is receive dreams and try to interpret them for myself since my mother went ahead of me. God, now you know that I did not sign up for this.

Well, I should know by now that I serve a God that is greater than I can ever imagine. God placed his super on my natural and knocked that intercessor out clean out on the floor. After a while, she got up off the floor. So much happened that day and I’m so grateful that God used me in His power and not mine.

Soon after that woman contacted me and thanked me for being obedient. Her response to me did give me a little bit more ease of the situation. All I can say is that I was trusting God for the breakthrough and not in my own strength. I did not know what God was doing, I just wanted to be obedient.

My mother always told that obedience is better than sacrifice and helped me to find that scripture in the bible. Along with so many other scriptures that encouraged me. I was so grateful that she gave me her concordance and knowledge to stay on the right path.

God revealed and confirmed with me that He is in control. Even through God knew that I would have never done anything like that because I’ve always been quiet and like to observe. God pushed me out of my comfort zone. I felt embarrassed at first but God allowed me to stand and know that He is God.

Has this ever happened to you in ministry?

Jesus declared that somethings comes through prayer and fasting.~Matthew 17:21

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!