How a Loving Friend Responds to Domestic Violence

I was going to post about distractions today but since October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, I’ll share a true story with you.

Many years ago, my co-worker came to work with one side of her face totally disfigured. Her husband picked up a two by four piece of wood then hit her in the face during a heated argument.

My co-worker had not been married long with a blended family. Of course, several people at work asked her what happened. I overheard my co-worker tell someone that she had an abscess on her gum. A short time after, the director for our department asked her to come into his office. I just watched, since my desk was close by. I began to pray for her while she was in the meeting. When she came out of the office, she appeared to be fine, then went to her desk to began work.

Suddenly, I felt a severe heaviness in my spirit and I began to cry at my desk. I knew in my heart that was not an abscess on her gum. I continued to pray for her at my desk while I worked. I wanted to say something so bad but I did not want to offend her in any way. 

It saddens me when I see women push themselves to the point of exhaustion to make ends meet. I totally understand because that person was me as a single parent raising my daughter and adoptive niece. In this case, my co-worker was going home to an abusive husband.

God was preparing me for what I was about to encounter the next day. The night before, I had a conversation with the Lord the night after reading my journal. God showed me how he was with me and my daughter during and after domestic violence. At that time, my daughter was only seven. The Lord delivered us which gave me so much confidence and peace in my walk with God. In one section of my journal I told God that I knew this painful season was only for a moment like the bible says in 2Corinthians 4:17. Well, that moment felt like an eternity. 

Finally, I gained courage to go speak to my co-worker. I told her that I would bring my journal for her to read the next day.  She received my words of encouragement without an attitude or judgment as I shared my story of DV. The next day, I believe she read my journal on her break. Not to long after that, she sent me an email through our office computer asking me how she can get away. Immediately, I sent her the 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) domestic hotline. I knew that they could help her more than I could for safety. I prayed even more with sincerity, passion and faith in God that she would get out safely.

As of today, she is doing absolutely wonderful. I forgot to mention that she did divorced her husband and is doing very well with her children.

Let me tell you how God operates with me. God led me to pray for my friend while she was in the directors meeting, when she went home and returned back to work. For some God ordained reason, the night before this incident, I was reading my journal of how God helped me through domestic violence.  I shared my journal of true secrets without rambling to try to find it for reference. I never thought that God would use me in this manner. The things that I wrote in my journal along with action helped my friend get away safely. I felt so good afterwards. With faith you can move mountains and save lives too.

I plan to write books and speaking to organizations for children, teens and adults that tackle domestic violence issues early for prevention and to save lives. I can’t wait to share and be there for loving support. I care about people and their bright future. Have you ever helped someone dealing with domestic violence? What was the outcome? How did it make you feel? For more information on domestic violence, please visit the link below.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!