Do You Know The Cost Of Forcing Every World Leader Into Protocol During The 1996 Olympics In The State Georgia?

The voice of God brought this to my knowledge this year. After that I discovered some excruciating heartaches that totally broke my mother, me and our family.

I worked so hard to finish high school at Booker T. Washington located on Whitehouse Dr. in Atlanta, Ga. Everyone was so extremely excited for us because the 1996 Olympics was preparing for extremely large crowds. It’s like all nations came together after my big accomplishments. Everything was booming and money was flowing to hotels, vendors, clubs, entertainment, etc.

My mother attended my graduation with two expecting daughters with kicking grand baby girls. Yes, her firstborn daughter and her last born daughter were adding to our family tree. My mother even hired her co-worker from Emory University who was my photographer. That day was a success.

My sister was pregnant and member of Charles Stanley’s Church here in Atlanta. While sitting anxiously in the audience with my mom and her co-worker, I was on stage pregnant with 1996 soon to be graduates of Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta, Ga.

Tragically, seven days after I graduated from Booker T. Washington here in Atlanta, Ga. My mother’s firstborn which was her daughter died after giving normal vaginal delivery to a stillborn baby girl. Yes, both my half sister and my newborn baby niece died too.

My mother, an ordained minister fell to her knees in the living room of our Atlanta home on the Westside. Screaming and crying out to God while trying to figure out how she could bury both her daughter and granddaughter. I cried too as I watched her on her knees in total disbelief because she’s always prayed, praised God and done good. I had no more excitement after graduation. It was all gloom and doom.

There was a bombing inside Centennial park which forced everyone into protocol. Do you know the cost of throwing every world leader into protocol? I don’t know the cost but I can only imagine when bringing the best of the best together that price tag is extremely high. News stations had round the clock coverage with the who, what, when, how and why. So many people lost money amongst so many other detrimental things I won’t mention.

That year, the Olympics went on with their agenda while the best of the best had to maintain their focus. It’s totally sad when every news channel shows a bombing instead of the Olympic teams.

Extremely tragically, the year 1996 ended with my grandmother, “Big Mama” dying of a heart attack. This was so over the top hard for my mother, me and others because she had just lost her firstborn and one of her newborn granddaughters. I was pregnant and overly emotional. My mother and I are sweethearts for heaven’s sake and prayer warriors.

All I can say is my mother had two blessings from her firstborn daughter and last born daughter for the world to see that it was ALL GOOD. After the City of Atlanta and the state of Georgia in an uproar because of the Centennial bombing. Yes, my mother lost three of her best. That last newborn granddaughter was number 7, her firstborn and her mom, “Big Mama”. I’m still heartbroken and emotional so I’ll stop here.

Do you know the cost of forcing every single World Leader, their families, and their businesses into protocol?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!