Choose Kindness

August 9, 2019

The definition for kindness is very simple and it’s not hard at all. Webster’s dictionary states that kindness is a noun. It means goodwill, benevolence, that temper or disposition which delights in contributing to the happiness of others, which is exercised cheerfully in gratifying their wishes, supplying their wants and alieviating their distresses; benignity of nature.

I agree with all the above and would like to add more. If you see someone who needs help, if you are able, help them. If you can’t help them, go a step further to give them direction on where to get help. By doing this, you won’t leave a person high and dry with no resources. I understand that everyone don’t know it all but knowing a little something here and there will help others. You never know where that small act of kindness will lead.

Personally, I enjoy expressing genuine kindness.That’s the way I was brought up. My parents encouraged me and showed me kindness. I loved and adored my mother. When I was a little girl my mother would make homemade chocolate pudding for me. She did not have to do it but this was one way that she showed kindness to me.

My mother would put the hot chocolate pudding that she cooked in a fancy dessert glass then put it in the freezer for it to chill. Oh my goodness, the anticipation of that delicious treat seemed unbearable. After I would eat dinner with our family, when I finished all of my food, my mother would come smiling with my chocolate pudding in the fancy dessert glass for me to eat.

My mother was a stay-at-home mom. One year, she threw a surprise birthday party in our home for one of the pastors at church. Everything turned out great. My mother was a great cook and all that she made was delicious. Especially, the macaroni & cheese, she had to always make extra. I believe that is one of the kindest things that she has ever done for a friend.

Now that I’m older, my mother’s kind acts reminds me to be kind to my friends, family and others. She was a constant giver and I don’t know how she did it and maintained peace between all of us. She had a special touch and made children that were not her own feel welcomed. Even after my father cut some of his kids off because he was a no nonsense type of guy. My mother stepped up, overachieved and showed compassion while being their for her bonus children.

One year, I invited my family over for dinner and all the food that I cooked turned out great because I made it with love. It was Thanksgiving, I did not ask anyone to chip in for the cost of food and could barely make ends meet but I made it happen. I covered everything trying to keep our family tradition of coming together going.

Everyone who came talked about how good the food was and it tasted like my mother’s. I used to stay in the kitchen with my mother trying to learn how to cook and now I have her recipes. This was my way of showing kindness to my family by cooking a delicious meal.

When my mother was alive, my daughter would never leave my mother behind. Porsche would always wait to make sure that she would get out of the car. Porsche would walk extremely slow with her no matter how far it was. It brings tears to my eyes just typing about this. My mother had mentioned her kindness on several occasions and it let’s me know that she has real compassion for others

One year a close friend of mind graduated from law school. Her family came into town and I threw her a wonderful party at Twisted Taco here in Georgia. Oh my goodness, it was so much fun and we danced all night long while taking eating and taking pictures.

When my daughter and adoptive niece were in school, I would allow them to pick something out for their favorite teacher during the holidays and on National Teacher’s Day. This was my way of teaching them how to be kind to others. I’m extremely grateful that God allowed me to be very involved while they were in school. I really enjoyed meeting their teachers and being there for what concerned them.

There have been times that I’ve not had money to purchase a gift. I would go to dollar tree to purchase tin decorative cans for my homemade delicious chewy cookies then I would give them away to my friends and family. My husband has shown me a lot of kindness and it rubs off on our son and it makes me smile and laugh.

I believe kindness makes the world a better place. Not everyone is kind but when it is shown to them it makes that person have a different outlook on life and may encourage them to be kind. Show some acts of kindness this week. Share your story. I want to hear about it.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!