Boundaries are Neccessary

It’s Tell the Truth Tuesday!

This is so true on so many levels. Whether it’s with family, friends, the workplace, organizations, your businesses, etc. Setting boundaries are necessary for stability, growth and peace. Personal boundaries are set so that you will be treated with dignity and respect.

I appreciate the relationships that I have with healthy boundaries. It’s such a relief knowing that our time together will be fulfilling with no turmoil or confusion. If there ever is, it can be resolved with the boundaries set. Also, it helps you to be yourself. Never allow anyone to intrude on your emotional and physical space. If you do, it’s not good and they’ll continue that torment on your life here on earth.

Boundaries are in place so that everyone will know exactly where you draw the line. That means they can no longer go any further. Sometimes you can lay out all the specifics then someone will attempt to overstep your boundaries. There is no doubt in my mind that you will just need to make attempts to clear up the situation or cut them off completely.

I believe that by setting boundaries it keeps things under control and you will know what to expect. It allows you to grow because you’ve maintained those boundaries and can add more, change them or delete some. There is a bible verse that says write the vision and make it plan. We should do just that by getting out a pen/pencil, a piece of paper or a journal. Write it out then walk it out.

I can tell you from my experience that boundaries gives you peace. You don’t have to worry or look over your shoulder in distrust because the boundaries that are set it place are to be followed. If they are not, show no shame, address it, then come to a resolution for peace.

I hope that this helps.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!