Be the Light

Last week, I was led by the Holy Spirit to read Genesis chapter 1 verses 1-6. After reading it, I was not surprised. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. You see, darkness already existed before light was created. I’m so very grateful for this lesson and for the direction of my prayers.


Here are the facts, God had to separate the light from darkness for many reasons. Light is a natural agent that stimulates light and make things visible. God has an amazing way to make things known.  Also, light gives you understanding of a problem or mystery. That’s why you may hear people say, please shed some light in that area. I don’t know a lot but God knows everything. As a woman of faith, I have a responsibility to walk in the light. I serve a purpose.


Darkness serves a purpose too, known as wickedness, evil, sin, iniquity, immorality, devilry. These are the forces of darkness. It causes most people to be unhappy, stressed, or uneasy. I’ve often wondered why so much secrecy and mystery. The first thing that comes to mind, the enemy comes only to kill, steal and destroy. I’ve experienced it and it hurts. I have no desire to live in darkness.

Yesterday, I was taking a nap. Suddenly, I was awakened out of my sleep just to read John chapter 1. Catch this, John chapter 1 talks about the light. The bible says, light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. God sent John to tell people about the light so that they would believe because of his testimony. He was not the light, only a witness to the light. I so appreciate all the people in the world that are witnesses to the light.

If you find yourself in darkness, don’t stay there. I pray like everything that God surrounds you with loving ministering Angel’s and people of faith that will help you make a decision to become women and men of “bodacious” faith and light. I guarantee that you will have testimonies. People of God goes through all types of hell trying to live right. We will be rewarded. When people show you who they are believe them. God has the last say. Never repay evil for evil. Move on and get your praise on.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!