Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl

Not to long ago, I was in line at DD’s on Ralph David Abernathy here in Atlanta about to make a purchase. It was a bright and beautiful day. The sun was shining and the weather was nice. The only thing that I did not like is that I had to park a long ways from the door. The shopping center was extremely busy with shoppers everywhere. Of course, I was among all the shoppers trying to make a purchase.

Once I entered the store, there were people everywhere. They were taking their time shopping, talking and smiling. After I made my decisions on what to purchase. I walked to the end of the line before I reached the cashier to finish my purchase of underwear for the homeless, abused and or less fortunate. In addition to some other items of my choice.

I remember when me and my daughter were homeless, there were times that I needed clean underwear to hold us out until wash day. There were times that I could not wash our clothes in a timely manner because of others in the same shelter needing to wash too. My solution was to go buy us clean under garments for those rainy days.

While in line, I saw this cute little girl in line with her mother. Without hesitation, I asked the mother if she had a good girl or a bad girl. The mother responded by saying that her daughter is a good girl. Shortly afterwards, I smiled then asked the little girl the same question. Are you a good girl or a bad girl?

Unfortunately, the little girl stated that she was a bad girl then smiled. I was shocked but because she told the truth from her point of view. I told her that I had a special gift for her inside my car. I ran out to my car to pick up the Build-a-Bear and all of the accessories that I had just purchased. I went back in line to give it to the little girl. Before I gave it to her, I explained to her just because she told the truth. I was rewarding her with a Build-a-Bear to show her that telling the truth pays off. Although, I was not her mother, I attempted to instill good morals in the short time that I was with her in line. The little girl gladly accepted the Build-a-Bear after her mother stated that it was okay.

I want to be honest, I felt a strong urge to do something nice when the little girl told me the truth. I did not want her to forget that moment of he receiving a great reward for telling the truth. I do not believe that I swindled her into telling the truth. The little girl never knew that I was going to reward her. And to be honest, I did not know that I was going to reward her. I’m going to be honest. I struggled a little with giving that Build-a-Bear away to a stranger. For the most part, I felt that what I did that day was totally a God-ordained moment to give God the glory.

Better yet, some morals in character are not always taught at home. They are taught by pastors, community leaders or even organizations that see a need and fulfill them. It brings me joy to see the since of pleasure one gets after doing a good deed or even showing someone the way in the presents of their parents. Nothing can compare to the day that the little girl will look at that Build-a- Bear and say that she learned a valuable lesson. My hope is that it sticks with her a lifetime and that she continues to tell the truth.

I absolutely love the words that says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That is the Golden Rule at least that’s what I believe. Also, there is a scripture in Matthew 7:12 that says, So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. To be honest, I’m totally amazed at how I found the perfect scripture to give weight to my good deed. All I can say is that God used me in a way that I was not expecting but everything worked out perfectly. I was left with a sincere memory of doing God’s will in that moment.

Has God ever used you in this manner? What was the situation? I want to hear all about it.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!