A Wake Up Call For Me On My Birthday

I posted this on Facebook so many years ago. The post says, SHO’NUFF A STINKING REMINDER: Last night, I was getting ready for my skate night then heard on FB from a loving friend that my favorite skating rink had caught fire. I was devastated, but I was determined to roll, bounce and snap my fingers. Pretty much sashay around the rink. After much debate, I relocated to Golden Glide in the Decatur. This skating rink always reminds me off one thing. YOU CAN DIE DOING WHAT YOU LOVE.

Last year, I had my birthday party at this skating rink and a man was found on the floor unconscious. Shortly after, my cousin ran to give mouth to mouth while my niece Chrissy and I waited but she could not because his mouth was bleeding. We could not enjoy ourselves anymore, so we were ready to leave.

As we were walking out, we saw the ambulance with the paramedics inside working hard to resuscitate the man. It was extremely cold that night, we were standing outside in front of the ambulance traumatized but still praying together that the man would live.

Suddenly, while looking through the windshield of the ambulance, we saw the paramedics stop. The man had indeed died with his skates on.

This was a wake up call for me. The moral of this story is GOD is not playing with us. There comes a time in life when you know better, you should do better. God loves us so much. YES, GOD WILL REMOVE HIS HAND AND ALLOW YOU TO FALL IN YOUR MESS. You can bank on that too. It’s either YES I will do GOD’s will or NO I will do my own thing. You have a choice. I have faith while praying and believing that God’s children will make the right decision. Who or what do you choose today?