July 27, 2019
It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday!
I want to give a SUPER SHOUT-OUT TO POSITIVE THINKERS. I absolutely love to be around positive people. There are so many benefits that you’ll receive. Most companies and organizations put people like this on the front lines because it makes them look absolutely phenomenal.
When my daughter was in her last year in high school. I was hospitalized then unable to work for months. We stayed at the City of Refuge shelter for 90 days with no resolution to end homelessness.

Despite what we were going through she stayed positive. I kept trying my hardest to get back stable and to the lifestyle of comfort we once shared. Porsche bounced around from place to place but she kept her focus and became the president for her high school. She was very grateful for the underclassmen who voted her in and stayed bubbly.
I worked for this call center in Marietta in the Women and Children’s Health Department. I did not realize that they put my cubicle on the end for a reason. As business deals were made, they always walked the top executives around to my side and made sure that they saw me.
I was always bubbly and handled good and bad calls well. Most times, they would allow them to listen to my calls. I kept my hair straight and my makeup was flawless. I always wore super stunning high heels and nice suits. I was pleasant to everyone.
Soon after this call center asked for input from several employees on how to make the employee and the company better. I made several suggestions. Soon after, Toastmasters was implemented on the job. I explained that Toastmasters would send an acknowledgement to the employer upon completion of their Competent Communicator. I was surprised to see things unfold so well.
I was invited to a Mastermind group. The director asked how would I describe success. I said, “When a person is able to duplicate themselves within another individual with the same great qualities, that’s success to me.
There are so many countless times that I’ve encountered positive people and the experience has always been great. Do you consider yourself a positive thinker? How has a positive person blessed your life?
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!