A Super Shout-Out to Faithful Married Couples Between a Man and a Woman

I’M SCREAMING TO THE TIP TOP OF MY LUNGS WITH EXCITEMENT: It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday! The first scripture that comes to my mind is Proverbs 18:22, He who finds a wife finds a good things and obtains favor from the Lord. There is something absolutely spectacular when a man finds a woman and favor is so fair when you are faithful to only one person.

This morning, God prompt me in my Spirit to read Ephesians 5: 20 which says, And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m so extremely amazed at the accuracy that God gives me with specific scriptures. I even spend alot of time searching them out. This scripture really fills my heart with joy. As I looked at the next verses in Ephesians 5:21-33 were confirmation of what I needed to glean from wholeheartedly. It gives me so much peace in my heart and mind.

So many things in marriages can be challenging but keep the faith that God will outdo and overdo anything that the devil has done. I’m so very thankful, grateful and hopeful for all the things that God has prepared for those who love, respect and honor their spouses while doing God’s will.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!