August 10, 2019
It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday!
I’M SCREAMING TO THE TIP TOP OF MY LUNGS WITH EXCITEMENT: I want to give a Super Shout Out to Carl who helped my daughter Porsche when she could have had a fatal wreck. Also, I sincerely thank those who helped Porsche on that day, including her father.
My daughter was driving and my niece was a passenger. Thanks to a black man named Carl! He helped my daughter after the tire blew out on the car that they were in a couple of years ago!
HALLUEJAH, I woke up singing, What a mighty God we serve. Angels bow before HIm. Heaven and earth adores Him. What a mighty God we serve.
My daughter Porsche was driving on the expressway in the fast lane when a tire blew out as she was getting into the slow lane. All she knew to do was to hold onto the sternwheel real tight while the car spent out of control.
Finally, the car stopped facing the opposite way of traffic on the expressway which could have caused Porsche to have a head on collision. Porsche said that her cousin Arleciah was screaming the whole time but she kept her focus.
Praise God! A man name Carl in an 18 wheeler blocked the car from oncoming traffic with his tractor trailer on the expressway. Carl even waited until Porsche’s father came to help Porsche.
Also, a lady stopped and parked her car while calling the police and waited until everyone had came. I hope that I can meet them to thank them for their lifesaving and sincere kindness.
This could’ve been a serious accident but God had and experienced tractor trailor driver and a caring woman to take immediate action. Honestly, this is an impeccable outcome that I give God Praise for with tears of joy. THANK YOU JESUS! HALLUEJAH!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!
My niece Arleciah’s Update
My niece Arleciah married her husband in January of this year. Arleciah called me in July of this year to let me know that her wedding is in August. I was surprised that I did not find out sooner because I helped to raise Arleciah with love just like my mother asked me to and I fulfilled my mother’s desire.
The week of the wedding, Arleciah sent me and my brother Ronaii text messages with the time and day of the wedding and we both attended. My brother Ronaii Word even walked Arleciah down the aisle.
As a gift to my niece Arleciah, I scrapped up what little money I had to give her a wonderful bridal shower gift. Tey’s SouthernTreats (www.teyssoutherntreats.com )on her dessert table for their wedding and a beautiful card. Also, Porsche was in the wedding. Carl’s life saving tactics allowed my niece to see her wedding day! Thank you Carl!

Porsche’s Update

Porsche is still in college and works. She loves to travel, shop and a enjoy good sale. Honey child is dating a guy in the film industry and she bought him a cat. She’s still a wonderful cousin, big sister and Bonus sister. Above all she’s Bodacious young lady to me.
I just love to share Praise Reports. Do you have one to share. I want to read about it. God is good and I want to continue to hear, see and feel about God goodness. AMEN!
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!