A Super Shout-Out To An Employee at Publix On Hwy 5 In Douglasville, Georgia

It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday!

I’M SCREAMING TO THE TIP TOP OF MY LUNGS WITH EXCITEMENT: I want to give a Super Shout-Out to Victor a really nice guy who works at the Publix on Hwy 5 in Douglasville, Ga.

One day, my child took his nerf gun into the store while we were shopping. We checked out, went to my car then suddenly my little one said, “Mommy I lost one of my nerf bullets.” We went back into Publix to search for it. While walking up and down the aisles, he was extremely hopeful. Then we went back to notify customer service of the lost nerf bullet.

On our way out, I let other employees know to be on the look out for the nerf bullet. This was my way of being proactive to show my child that I cared about his concerns and what to do to help resolve the minor issue.

The following week, we went back to shop and Victor an employee at Publix was working in the parking lot. He stopped me to tell me that he found the bullet and turned it in to customer service.

Unfortunately,  we went to customer service but noone could find it even after Victor stated that he turned it in. I spoke to a manager. We told him our concerns and the employee who turned it in. My child was so sad. We even went back to customer service on another day but the nerf bullet was turned in but not in customer service anymore. Even after Victor stated that it was turned in. Again and again, my child was extremely disappointed but he did not cry.

My little one was so upset. Now I don’t allow him to take any toys into Publix when we shop. I’m thankful to remind him of this specific situation. Now he understands. Small talk before parents go into the store to shop matters a heck of alot.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!