I want to give a Super Shout-Out to a woman named Faith and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for hiring people like her.
On Thursday, out of the blue, for no apparent reason my toddler had a major health concern. After about five minutes are so it was over after I used several of my techniques. I called his pediatrician but they were on lunch break.
My husband suggested that I take him to the ER or at least call. I called Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to speak with a nurse to see if I needed to come in. The young lady took down my information. I forgot to get her name. She was so very pleasant then told me that someone would call me back with guidance on what to do.
Fortunately, I did not need to take my little one to the emergency room. The call back time was really fast, it was a little over five minutes. Faith was very pleasant too. She told me that what he was experiencing was nothing to worry about and techniques to stop it if it happens again. She went through a series of questions that I answered.
All throughout the call she could hear my toddler karate chopping me, full of energy and we both laughed. She was so very personalable. I really appreciate the staff that Children Healthcare of Atlanta hires to display exemplary customer service to a parent and child in need.
For this, I sincerely thank you!💕 I praise God that my toddler is A-Ok and back to being busy as usual. And the People’s Choice Employee of the Month Goes to Faith who works at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. I even told her that I like her name. God is good all the time! I know without faith it is impossible to please Him.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day