The first one was in January. A white woman hit me so hard from behind then pushed me into ongoing traffic. I went to the hospital by ambulance and still recovering.
The second accident, a young teenage couple acted like they were turning left then slammed on brakes and I slightly hit them from behind and my child was in the car. The male driver and female passenger immediately got out of their vehicle. I gave my personal card then put my insurance information on it. I even drove to the Auto Zone for them to take pictures of my tag and my damaged hood. There were damages to my car but not their car but USAA paid for damages that I did not see. Guess what? My insurance went up to $180 but it used to be $82.
My third accident this year was when a white man backed into my vehicle with my child in the car.
All I can say is this year has been extremely challenging. I’m in a marriage crisis even after two marriage counseling sessions and things are not going well. I look forward to better days.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!