A Prime Example Of How God Used Me For His Glory

It’s Face the Facts Friday!
According to the Bible, there is a scripture that says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT I’m driven to believe that this scripture pertains to me even when I feel discouraged and experience so much doubt.

Yesterday, I was so thankful to finally get out to enjoy life and smile. Porsche suggested that we take her baby brother out to eat lunch and have some fun. I’m so very thankful that Porsche keeps coupons and know what’s free..

While watching Starson, I had small talk with a woman who has the coolest Mom ever. She told me that her sister, including herself could not afford tickets to see Bruno Mars and Cardi B so her mother said, “Don’t worry, I’ll get them.” I was like wow. You have a good mommy.

Shortly afterwards, her mother tag teamed to watch her grandchild play and her daughter left with her sister and her newborn grandbaby. I learned that her mother and I are Drake fans. She told me that both of her daughters are teachers and they graduated from Tennessee State. She told me that her oldest daughter has the same birthday as Justin Timberlake. Finally, Porsche came back then I introduced her to Cynthia.

Unfortunately, last March a tornado came down 92 and severely damaged her girls house. She showed me pictures of her girls beautiful home that’s getting fixed back up with so much progress. Thank God for good homeowners insurance!

Cynthia Davis is from Cincinatti, Ohio and enjoy the weather here. She loves to clean and walk on her leisure time. Her husband loves to cook and works out at the gym.

Cynthia asked me where I fellowship and I told her Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral. Surprisingly, her family have been visiting lately. She really enjoyed the visiting pastor Brad Hamby this passed Sunday. I gave my heartfelt hardship testimony of how this church has helped my family during extremely hard times, at that moment she made a decision to join with her family.

I thank God for allowing me to meet genuinely good people on Thankful Thursday. I wanted to post something positive and God orchestrated an opportunity for me to give a testimony. I gave insights on so many wonderful events and activities that goes at the church we attend including how they have helped me. Basically, I put the cherry on top.

No matter what your situation looks like, God will give you opportunities for Him to receive the glory. Sometimes being vulnerable gets things done in God’s timing. God ways works, even when things don’t seem to be working in your favor. God will give you a put the cherry on top experience.

If you desire a loving church home, for more information, go to www.woffamily.org.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!