A Picture of Me in Ink

It was a bright and sunny day. My daughter was in the 12th grade when she created this image of me.  As I sat comfortably in the car, Porsche was stroking ink on this notepad. I was totally unaware until she finished.  When I saw the picture, I laughed so hard because she captured me using my phone. Porsche was attentive to every detail about me. I absolutely love the way she draws a heart into an image of the letter P when she signs her name.  I even have a slight smile or grin on my face. I don’t remember if I was sending/receiving text messages, checking emails or surfing the internet on my phone. I was so surprised, I had to take a picture to tell our family and friends.

Everyone close to Porsche knows that she has a funny sense of humor. Well, a total character that will brighten anyone’s day. I appreciate and love my daughter, Yes, I tell her often with a lot of affection in private or public. Porsche is the best daughter that a mother could ever ask for. Just looking at this picture it makes me smile. I look forward to more of her creative talents.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!