A Light Bulb Moment & Grateful Senior Citizens

It’s Face the Facts Friday!

It’s a blessing to hear senior citizens express how grateful they are that someone cares about them. They are so very grateful for the resources and people that helps them out. I want to continue to see senior citizen succeed in life without the burden of hardships and pain. We all know that stress can turn into major health issues. Senior citizens deserves quality care.

Did you know that once a senior citizen gets their benefits, they are only given less $15 dollars or less in Snap benefits to survive? Senior Citizens are very grateful for the churches and organizations that steps in to alleviate this problem in their home. I’ve asked seniors how is the food that they receive. Most of them are pleased and have stated that good stuff is given and they have the ability to try something new which causes them to tell others about it.

No matter how many bills a senior citizen receives, the amount of income is the exact same every month. Senior citizens are so very grateful for the organizations and businesses that helps with their utility, repairs to their homes, medical bills and so much more. I’ve heard them say that every little bit counts and they depend on it.

I loved helping my mother when she was alive. She was so organized in her finances which caused me to handle her affairs with ease. When my mother withdrew money or wrote out checks, she would jot the information down in her balance book in the back of her checkbook. If there was ever a discrepancy, we could always go back to her balance book at the bank.

Many years ago, Nations Bank which is Nations Bank was located on Bankhead in Atlanta, Georgia. There was this woman name Ms. Billingsley. Everyone loved her and she was very beautiful too. She was so very pleasant, patient and helpful to the elderly and all the people in our community.

While I was growing up, I watched how she interacted with customers and so many people trusted her and her expertise. Her character brought so much value to the banking industry and so many people appreciated that. Every banking industry should have quality displayed to help the elderly and acknowledge red flags to stop fraud.

I’ve heard a lot of horrible stories of how senior citizens have been taken advantage of. Not many of them have honest family members or friends to speak up for them. I totally appreciate the men and women who see the needs of the elderly and fulfills that need and more.

There are several things that are available for senior citizens such as help with bills and so many other things. Also, if seniors needs help with their monthly medication, help is available through medicare. For more information, check out what’s available in your state. In the state of Georgia, you can contact programs and services in the Division of Aging Services. https://aging.georgia.gov/programs-and-services.

I hope that this helps someone. Once I find out about more resources. I will blog about it. W

Do you know of any needs or resources for the elderly?

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!