A Bad Experience at Tanner Villa Rica Hospital

In June of 2020, I was so happy and excited to find out that I was expecting a little one. Just a couple of months prior, my last child had asked for a little brother. I was so relieved that my son was finally getting a real playmate at home. I found pleasure in calling my older girls to let them in on the news and my husband too. Yes, an addition to our family. This was not planned either.

One day in June, the ambulance came to pick me up to take me to Tanner Villa Rica Hospital. I remember getting into the ambulance but by the time I arrived at Tanner Villa Rica I was unconscious. I believe I was given some type of medicine that knocked me out. When I came to, I was in a complete panic. A white woman injected me in my left butt cheek with some type of medicine. I looked at my right arm then noticed 7-8 holes in my arm from someone sticking me with a needle of some sort of sharp object.

Immediately, I notified the nurse that I am pregnant and to make sure that my baby is fine. I felt content because my daughter Porsche was with me while I waited to get an ultrasound.

Finally, I was rolled into a room while a white woman placed the cold lubricant on my stomach with a device to see the image of my baby. For some odd reason, the tech took more than 10 or 15 pictures of my baby with that device. I kept asking the woman why did she have to take so many pictures and since I had so many holes in my arm did that affect my baby in any way.

Unfortunately, the tech told me that she could not discuss my results with me and that a doctor would be able to give me more information. I was rolled back to an ER room where I waited for my results. Guess what? The doctor never came to tell me my results.

My bad experience is that I woke up in Tanner Villa Rica care with 5 to 8 holes in my arm from injections of an unknown substance. I looked down at my body and I had on blue paper scrubs and my jewelry was taken. Soon after a white woman injected me in the left butt cheek with an unknown substance. Of course, I did not know what was going on. After I was released, I called the patient advocate to complain about the care that I received. Also, to find out why I had so many holes in my right arm and why was I not given information about my ultrasound. In addition to what was I injected in the left butt cheek with.

When I spoke to the patient advocate I gave her a list of all my complaints. She wrote down most of what I said then read it back to me. Unfortunately, I did not receive a letter of an apology. She told me to call back within a few weeks to get more information on my complaint. I followed up but could never get the patient advocate on the phone again. It was like playing phone tag.

Everyone desires quality when in need. Unfortunately, on this day, I was left puzzled and scared because no one would give me answers. Well, the terrible thing is a few weeks passed before I had my first ultrasound and my baby did not have a heartbeat. I was so in dismay and totally numb until I got to my car. I cried by myself like a baby. I wanted to scream and holler. I felt as though whatever those 7 to 8 injections were and the one injection in my left butt cheek had to do with my experiencing a miscarriage.

My sad story did not end there. After a few weeks, I experienced excruciating pain. I was taken to the ER by ambulance. After several hours of moaning and groaning, I was released on opioids but I never had them filled. This was during the pandemic which means that I was all alone in the emergency room. The worst part is my anguish had just begun because my little one really wanted that sibling.

Everyone has a right to know what type of care they are receiving and what type of medication is being injected in their body. I don’t do drugs and I don’t even own a needle in my home or car. Still right now today, I don’t know what fully happened. I’ve called Medicare and the representative stated that I can make a complaint and request for them not to get paid with my patient summary notification.

The good thing is that I can blog about my experiences while taking the correct steps to resolve my complaints in hopes that this never happens again.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!