This incident happened in May of this year. At the time, I had raging fires on every end. The first morning that I was there. I heard my half brother’s favorite song, “Just Got Paid Friday Night” on Fox 5 news on the TV.

Immediately, the Holy Spirit alerted my Spirit saying that just because I’m going through a divorce and staying with my niece for a shott time does not mean I’m tied to what’s extremely negative that goes on in their home.

As a loving family member, all I could do is pray. Then I blogged about how I’m not apart of that song Just Got Paid because God revealed to me that it was much more than what the song was saying. To be honest, God mentioned sex trafficking in my Spirit while I watched the news and listened to that song.

Once I heard those words, I felt extremely uncomfortable then God told me to speak up so that whomever was doing something illegal would know that I’m not apart of the madness. Although only one race have cause defamation of my character by sending me in harms way.

Of course, I sincerely prayed about and for those victims even though I felt like that is not my problem or responsibility in this world. Only because a sweet loving praying vessel was in the house with handcuffs, a bat and orange traffic cones to pinpoint locations.

I will continue to pray for myself wholeheartedly.

While praying. I noticed Alabama on more than one water hydrants near their home. Which added more pressure to my prayer. I was not understanding why that state was on Georgia was not on the water hydrants. So many things crossed my mind that were extremely negative. Water is something that every one needs.

I walked a little further in the city of Riverdale then saw the funniest thing to me. Guess what? I saw the word dresser which alarmed me that everyone that has a home should have a dresser. I shook my head then said, “Lord I’m not going to say have mercy. Something seriously is not right and I personally don’t know how to fix it. LORD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE!

Although it may seem that I don’t have things working in my favor, I just know my Heavenly team and a higher power far greater than I’ve ever imagined is at work. If God allows me to pray for insects and other things I would not have ever prayed for on my own, I must be special.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!