It’s Super Shout-Out Saturday!

I want to give a Super Shout-Out to Marina from Ukraine.
I stopped her to do a review because of the nice sticker on her truck. I was so surprised that a woman would be driving a big white truck. She was absolutely beautiful but she’s off the market because she’s married. I believe happily married since she was smiling.

I asked her why do she like her truck. Marina said that it’s high and comfortable. Also, she stated that her 12yr old daughter bought the sticker for her truck and she likes the slogan. Her friend that was near gave reassurance that she was telling the truth.
I even asked her if she likes to cook. One time I had a potluck at work. My co-worker Elaina from Ukraine made a delicious dish of eggplant. Guess what Marina loves eggplant too. I hope to make some one day.

Never get weary in well doing and NEVER STOP PRAYING FOR YOURSELF AND OTHERS.

Enjoy all the beauty we have here on earth. NEVER STOP DOING GOOD.
Always remember a woman and her truck. ITS A BEAUTIFUL THING.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!