OneThursday morning. I had several scenes in my dream. I’ll give details for a few of them. The last couple of scenes stood out to me the most.
In one scene, I saw my husband getting a woman out of someones house. The woman walked out with no confrontation but a slight attitude while folding something like a blanket or something like it.
At the door, she asked him for a ride to the airport. He declined. Someone across the street pulled up and the woman asked for a ride. I heard another woman at a table stating that she was helpless and needed all help that she could get.
My husband stood as one with authority to clean house and get people who did not belong in the house. To the right of the woman leaving out of the house were 3 different types of ab rollers. The first thing that comes to my mind is the belt of truth since a belt goes around the waist.
After that, I saw my pastor’s twin girls sitting at separate tables. To the left was one of my pastors twins sitting at the table with her sister Neiel’s husband Luis. The other twin who is pregnant was sitting happily all by herself. I never approached any table. I believe God was showing me that they are gatekeepers or in place for something great.
There were more scenes in my dream but the last two scenes stood out the most. A black male in his youth stood in front of me, as if he was greeting me. I felt as though there was some barrier or shield that just allowed me to see what was happening. The black teenager/youth did something unique then started dancing. At first, I thought he was about to do a backwards flip.
Shortly afterwards, a whole bunch of black youth outside started, jumping and dancing. They were all smiling and extremely happy. I felt like they knew what was about to happen. I believe God allowed me to see that this experience was for them.
I could not hear anything, I could only see. I did not see any other races. Then all of a sudden, I saw lighting to my right. Immediately, all of the youth that were dancing and jumping were caught up in a world wind like the inside of a tornado. I saw shades of a green light coming from each of the youth that were taken up in sky. In my opinion, they were going to heaven.
The next scene in my dream, black youth were talking about dream killers.
If you ever have the opportunity to speak to the youth or do anything regarding their future. Never ever kill their dreams. Be kind, give quality advice and encourage them. Be creative and exciting. All the good stuff really matters.
When I woke up from this dream, I had a sense of peace and smiled. I’ve always known that the youth were extremely special and my dream confirmed it.
The one thing that I miss is every dream that I had, I would tell my mother and she would interpret them for me. My dreams are meaningful to me and for a worthy cause. At least that’s what I believe.
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!