My Mother’s Ex-Prayer Partner Lost Her Life Due To Gun Violence

It’s Won’t He Do It Wednesday!

I will share why it’s so extremely important to continue to pray and take action to check on your friends. It’s always a good thing to check on friends, spend time with them and listen. So many things can be avoided and resolved. When people show that they care, it makes things a little better and shows compassion.

It’s so extremely important to pray. While growing up, my mother would pray with her prayer partner early in the morning. She did not care if anyone in the house heard her. She would use her Bible to study with a concordance and commentary for better understanding.

Afterwards, my mother would praise God like it was everyones business. If I had company over, it did not matter, she would still praised God. She taught me to never read horoscopes or practice anything other than the Word of God. She told me to never allow Porsche to watch Harry Potter.

My mother had many flaws but never ever did anything to be seen. My mother faced many challenges with my siblings but she kept the faith and kept moving forward. Some of the things that she did for others, I did not find out until she went on to glory.

My mother did not use a prayer shawl or anything other than herself, prayer and praise. Not one time did she ever invite me to pray with them. I just listened to all the bold and goldly things that she would say.

One of the hardest things that my mother had to deal with as a minister and friend was to lose her friend and her friends daughter due to gun violence. We were sadden to hear of the news too.

My mother lost contact with her friend until she received a call one day. My mother’s ex-prayer partner was fatally shot by her daughter, then her daughter fatally shot herself during church service. It was all over the news and we were in disbelief.

I was there to comfort my mother. I drove my mother to the funeral home and to the families home. Throughout the weeks and months, I continued to be there for her and took her places just for fun. Once things were back to normal, I continued to be very loving and supportive.

You never know what people go through unless they share their story even though it’s extremely painful. Healing begins when we acknowledge the pain. Going to a licensed professional is helpful too. The best thing to do is talk with a trusted friend or family and don’t isolate yourself. Make yourself available to talk.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!