A Lie And Low Down Dirty Bribe

July 13, 2019

I’m so grateful for God revealing the truth in love to me about a situation. I’m not Willie Lump Lump or a fool. I can read between the lines. Growing pains definitely don’t feel good.

I found out some information that was extremely hurtful to me. I know how much my faith in God means to me and those that I’ve raised. Despite how I felt and what I knew, I still believe that God is in control and is my vindicator.

My husband/King advice to me was to put that on the back burner and focus on my happiness. Guess what? I will do just that. This is a real life lesson that I learned today. .

While I was contemplating on some things, God led me to Chapter 28, this exact chapter today. What stood out to me is the part that talks about bribes.

A person must possess the lying spirit and always remember the lie told for it to continue. They are extremely bold and do not have any shame even with the law and that ri-darn-diculous

Kingdom women and men continue to display the truth in love, be honest AND DONT TAKE NO BRIBES. There is so much that I learned from this chapter alone. You should read it when you get time because it will bless you.

A lot of people have doubts, when faced with difficulties. This chapter talks about that. Being a disciple is not an easy task. During your walk with the Lord. You have to rely on God and commit to his teaching. I’ve never wanted to struggle. Every trial has an end date. Please keep the faith.

I WILL NOT DIE AND GO TO HELL FOR NOBODY…..BELIEVE THAT!!! Jesus did that already. When going down the wrong road, there are consequences. Some of those consequences, you can not change. The older people would say, if you make your bed there, you have to lay in it. Now that’s wisdom. That’s why it’s extremely important to read your bible and ask the Lord for direction along with godly counsel.

Good Day People.💕😪
Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!