A Friendly Hug Opened A Conversation & Prayer

It’s Most Grateful Monday!

Over the weekend, I attended an event about allowing your man to lead. It was pouring down raining but I still made it. I’m so grateful that God used me when I least expected it.

As I walked through the door, I saw someone I knew. Of course, I smiled and gave that person a hug.

Suddenly, another person came through the door and saw that I was hugging someone I knew. I did not want the woman to feel left out. I wanted her to feel the love so I hugged her too while smiling.

To make this story short, I shared an experience with her that was negative but revelant. On Easter, this year I visited a church that greeted everyone but me and my child while in the lobby. I felt awful but I stayed for the whole service since it was Easter.

I could not believe what I was seeing and experiencing in the lobby. I began to greet people by saying hello with a smile. There was a first time visitor, she was a newly married Asian woman and I made her feel welcomed and gave small talk. I did get a chance to tell the person who invited me about my experience.

The person who invited me is black but the church that she attends has a majority of white members.

Every church is not the same. Before I left the pastor’s wife asked me three questions. What is your son’s name? When is his birthday? How old is he? Not, how did you enjoy service? How far did you come? Have you been here before? I hope that you will come again. Strange questions that left me puzzled. Although I had visited there before, the atmosphere was different.

Before we parted ways, the woman I hugged told me that she almost lost control of her car on the way to this event. The weather was not good. It was raining all day.
She was really shaken up and I could tell. I asked if I could pray with her. She said, “Yes!” As I prayed, I began to cry tears of joy and thanked God for the blessing of NO ACCIDENT.
This incident was unexpected but I knew who to run to for cover in prayer.

Always know who is the author and finisher of your faith. NEVER STOP PRAYING FOR YOURSELF, PEOPLE IN NEED AND UNEXPECTEDLY.

My negative experience caused me to acknowledge others in the right setting with a friendly hug, conversation and unexpected prayer.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!