1 Thessalonians Notes and Experiences

Basically, this chapter is teaching me about staying firm to my faith in God. Despite all of my trials and tribulations, continue to pray for myself and other believers.

Recently, I had a dream that I seen the word Black Magic. I did not understand why would God allowed me to see that in a dream. I researched the definition. Now I am aware of it’s true meaning. I learned that it is used for evil. It’s a form of witchcraft that makes people do what they would not normally do.

As a child growing up all I’ve ever seen my mother do in the wee hours of the morning is pray and praise God. Even through her heartaches, pains and disappointments she had an unwavering faith in God and took caution to lead others into the right path if they wanted to listen. Don’t get me wrong, she had flaws but she stood her ground and on God’s Word . In addition, to the joy that it brought her with enjoyment and pleasure, I can only imagine that her reward is great.

Many years ago, someone had taken me to see the movie called the Exorcist of Emily Rose. I was so scared because my mother told me that scary movies holds and release demonic spirits. The things that I remember about that movie is that Emily stated that she stayed alive to let people know that demons are real. When 3am appeared on the clock, that is when destruction entered her life or something drastic happened. The last thing is a wonderful scripture in Philipians 2:12 which says, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Let that sink in. Just look at our world today with all the evil and demonic things in our mist.

The next part reminds me of the scripture that says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of the Lord. How can a person know the truth if they don’t hear or read about the whole story or situation. One day, I asked one of my mentors why did the Lord take my mother so soon. My confidant said, “I don’t know what type of contract your mother made with the Lord.”

This year in July, I was in the bathroom mirror at home praising God. Suddenly, all the power went out in the house and in my neighborhood. I was shocked while in complete darkness. Soon after, I laid on my bed then laid hands on my forehead to pray for myself in tears for over and hour or two until the lights came back on. I clearly experienced the enemies tactics to stop my praise but I was encourage to pray for myself.

When a person speak on faith it’s reliable when spoken in honesty and truth. Details makes my experience enjoyable for the reader or listener. It’s one that has a lasting effect that shoots off like a firecracker. Some may say that it’s gossip but it’s realness from a Believer.

I’m extremely grateful for the hope that God gives me to induce an urgency in other people to want to know more. Although it takes work, it’s uplifting to know that you’re helping someone on their journey.

For all the body of believers are so loved by God dearly. When I heard all the great things about the Lord, a fire ignited inside of me that nudged my spirit to do something and move while jotting down my thoughts then sharing them with others.

I have been taught to love the Lord and pray, praise and be enthusiastic. It was like signing up to a mentorship of a lifetime. Of course, there were rocky roads that damaged me and could have led me astray due to obstacles that ravished my life in such a way that pain is what I experienced in the worst way. I’m so in dept for better with fun times ahead for Kingdom people.

While being a prototype on a journey that far exceeds me. All I can say is that victory is mine. I’m so ready for good times but when demonic things are in place or released in your life all you can do is stand and fight the good fight of faith.

Many people know of all the distractions that are presented to prevent you from your God given purpose. When you become aware, strategies of evil can be demolished. I believe that my faith in God saved me. Choosing the right lifestyle helps alot too. Always be mindful of who raised you from satan’s trap and from the brink of your last breath on earth. Every time I think about hell, it makes me want to live and do right although many don’t believe.

Have a Bodacious and Miraculous Day!